Examples of texts

The Lord's Prayer

IsiXhosa text

English version

Bawo wethu osemazulwini,
malingcwaliswe igama lakho.
Mabufike ubukumkani bakho.
Makwenziwe ukuthanda kwakho nasemhlabeni,
njengokuba kusenziwa emazulwini.
Siphe namhla isonka sethu semihla ngemihla.
Usixolele amatyala ethu,
njengokuba nathi sibaxolela abo banamatyala kuthi. 
Ungasingenisi ekulingweni,
sihlangule enkohlakalweni.
Ngokuba bubobakho ubukumkani,
namandla, nozuko, kuse kuwo amaphakade.

Source: "Izibhalo Ezingcwele - Xhosa" - The New Testament in Xhosa, published by the Bible Society of South Africa, 1975.
Our Father, who art in heaven, 
hallowed be Thy name. 
Thy kingdom come. 
Thy will be done on earth 
as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread 
and forgive us our trespasses 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, 
and the glory, forever.

Iinkonzo Zeelwimi Zesizwe (National Language Service)

IsiXhosa text


Iinkonzo zeLwimi zeSizwe zinyusa izinga kwaye zikwanika uncedo lonxibelelwano kwiilwimi. Ukugcina iimfuneko zolwimi zoMgaqo Siseko I-NLS ilawula ukungafani kweelwimi zoluntu kwaye inoxanduva lokusebenza ngokumandla zonke iilwimi zabantu bethu ngokuthi ibeke amanyathelo enkqubo yeziphumo ezenziwayo ekunyuseni ukusetyenziswa kwezi lwimi, kwakunye nezo lwimi zingakhathalelwanga ngokwembali. The National Language Service promotes and facilitates communication across languages. In keeping with the language requirements of the Constitution the NLS manages the linguistic diversity of our society and is responsible for harnessing all the languages of our people by putting into practical effect policy measures aimed at promoting the use of these languages, also those languages that have historically been neglected. 


Ebamb'izidenge zingafun'ukufunda
Zixovul'udaka ebusika kubanda
Zihambe zikhala zikhalazel'abanye;
Fundani bantwana
Nothandwa ngabantu
Ngenyameko yenu!

Courtesy of Sabelo Ndabazandile : Xhosa

© J. Olivier (2009)