Examples of texts

The Lord's Prayer

Xitsonga text

English version

Tata wa hina la nge matilweni,
vito ra wena a ri hlawuleke;
a ku te ku fuma ka wena;
ku rhandza ka wena a ku endliwe misaveni,
tanihi loko ku endliwa tilweni.
U hi nyika namuntlha vuswa bya hina bya siku rin'wana ni rin'wana;
u hi rivalela swidyoho swa hina,
tanihi loko na hina hi rivalela lava hi dyohelaka;
u nga hi yisi emiringweni,
kambe u hi ponisa eka Lowo biha,

Source: "Bibele - Tsonga" - The Bible in Tsonga
published by Vandla ra Bible ra Afrika Dzonga, 1989.
Our Father, who art in heaven, 
hallowed be Thy name. 
Thy kingdom come. 
Thy will be done on earth 
as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread 
and forgive us our trespasses 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 

Mintirho ya swa Ririmi ya Rixaka (National Language Service)

Xitsonga text


Mintirho ya swa Ririmi ya Rixaka yi tlakusa no kondletela mbulavulo exikarhi ka tindzimi hinkwato. Ku kota ku fikelela swilaveko leswi nga eka vumbiwa, Mintirho ya swa Ririmi ya Rixaka (NLS), yi lawula ku hambana loku nga kona ka tindzimi etikweni ra hina ni ku hlanganisa tindzimi hinkwato ta vanhu hi ku endla leswi pholisi yi vulaka swona leswi kongomiseke eka ku tlakusa ku tirhisiwa ka tindzimi leti, xikan’we ni leti khale a ti languteriwa ehansi. The National Language Service promotes and facilitates communication across languages. In keeping with the language requirements of the Constitution the NLS manages the linguistic diversity of our society and is responsible for harnessing all the languages of our people by putting into practical effect policy measures aimed at promoting the use of these languages, also those languages that have historically been neglected. 



Swa mina na wena, swi herile,
Sala kahle, famba kahle,
Ndzi ya dzudzela maxangu yanga kun'wana,
Ndzi cikinya tani hi mangadyana,
Enhan'wini ya un'wana,
Ndzi damarhela, ndzi ku damarhelo!
Ndzi tiendla xidamarhelani,
Ndzi jombha mujomba wa vutomi,
Ndzi ku nghweye - cikici - nghweye,
Masiku yaku hanya ka mina.

From Macakala ya miehleketo (Rags of the mind) 
by Shirhami Mayevu

Contributed by Nkateko Mayevu.


SAlanguages.com : Xitsonga

© J. Olivier (2009)