Examples of texts
The Lord's Prayer
SiSwati text | English version |
Babe wetfu
losezulwini Ligama lakho kaliphatfwe ngebungcwele, umbuso wakho awute, intsandvo yakho ayentiwe emhlabeni njengezulwini. Siphe lomuhla kudla kwetfu kwemalanga onkhe. Sitsetselele kona kwetfu njengobe natsi sibatsetselela labasonako. Ungasiyisi ekulingweni kodvwa usincandze kulokubi. Ngobe umbuso wakho, nemandla, nebukhosi, kute kube nini nanini. Amen. |
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. |
Luphiko lwemSebenti wetiLwimi taVelonkhe (National Language Service)
SiSwati text | Translation |
Luphiko lweMsebenti wetiLwimi taVelonkhe lutfutfukisa futsi luhlelembise kuchumana ngato tonkhe tilwimi. Ngekugcina tidzingo telulwimi teMtsetfosisekelo iNLS yengamele kwehlukahlukana kwetilwimi tesive setfu futsi inemsebenti wekuhlelela tonkhe tilwimi tebantfu betfu ngekubeka esigabeni tindlela tenchubomgomo letimiselwe kutfutfukisa kusetjentiswa kwaletilwimi, futsi naleto tilwimi lebetingafunwa emlandvweni. | The National Language Service promotes and facilitates communication across languages. In keeping with the language requirements of the Constitution the NLS manages the linguistic diversity of our society and is responsible for harnessing all the languages of our people by putting into practical effect policy measures aimed at promoting the use of these languages, also those languages that have historically been neglected. |
© J. Olivier (2009)