Names for people in Tshivenda (Venda) with their meanings
Female names
Male names
Mashudu - Lucky
Mulalo - Peace
Nkhangweleni - Forgive Me
Thilivhali - One who does not forget
Thikhathali - One who does not worry
Tshifhiwa - Gift
Zwanga - Mine or that which belongs to me
Names for both females and males
(Shortened or informal version of names are listed in square brackets)
Aluwani be prosperous, literally mean
grow up [Alu]
Athiambiwi someone who should not be talked about [Thiambi]
Avhaḓali someone(s) who cannot be not satisfied [Ḓali]
Avhapfani They do not get along [Pfani]
Avhasei (They are) not amused / laughing [Sei]
Avhashoni (They) have no honour / are not ashamed [Shoni]
Avhatendi They do not believe [Tendi]
Avhavhudzani - (They) are not in speaking terms [Vhudzi]
Azwianewi something that cannot be told/ repeated to anyone(generally shameful
or terrible)
Azwiḓali something/someone that cannot be satisfied [Dali]
Azwihangwisi (it is) unforgettable [Hangwi]
Azwimmbavhi I am not bothered [Mmbavhi or Mbavhi]
Azwinaki something that brings shame to the family [Naki]
Azwinndini I am not bothered (Dont care) [Nndini]
Azwinnyanḓi , something that does not bring prospects/good fortunes to someone
Dakalo - Happiness [Daki]
Ḓembe Miracle
Ḓowelani get used to it [Dowe]
Fhaṱuwani be careful, be awake [Fhaṱu]
Fhulufhedzani Be hopeful [Fhulu]
Fhulufhelo Hope [Fhulu]
Fhulufhuwani forget it!
Funanani love one another [Funi]
Hangwani Forget [Hangwi]
Hulisani Respect (give to) [Huli]
Humbelani Ask [Humbe]
Humbulani remember [Humbu]
Khangwelo - Forgiveness [Khangwe]
Khathutshelo Forgiveness [Khathu]
Konanani Be good (to one another) [Kone]
Kuvhanganani gather, come together [Kuvha]
Lindelani Be patient, wait [Linde]
Livhuwani Be thankful / grateful [Livhu]
Lufuno Love
Lutendo Faith (singular)
Luvhengo - Hatred
Maanda Power / strength
Maḓuvha Days
Marubini said of a place where a family used to live before civilization.
People would have moved from here and now use the area for ploughing.
Maṱoḓzi Tears (generally brought by death in the family)
Mmbulaheni kill me / get rid off me [Mbula]
Mpfareleli forgive me [Pfare]
Mphedziseni Finish (me off)/ get rid off me [Phedzi]
Mpho gift
Muambiwa One who is talked of (about)
Mukhethwa the chosen one
Mutshidzi saviour
Mutshutshudzi one who encourages or excite bad behaviour [Mutshutshu]
Ṅaledzani when someone refuses to take something that belongs to them back
after a fight, a tease or because it is no longer in its original state. E.g. a
kid playfully takes a toy from another kid and hides it. When the toy is
returned, the owner of the toy refuse to take it and force the other to keep it.
Ndemedzo a burden [Ndeme]
Ndiyafhi Where do I go
Nduvho Praise (noun)
Nkhumbudzeni remind me [Khumbu]
Nkhumbuleni remember me [Khumbu]
Nndanganeni gang up on me [Ndanga]
Nndileni mourn me
Nnyadzeni (be) disrespectful (towards me)
Nnyawedzeni let me rest (generally after some suffering) [Nyawe]
Nnyaweleni - let me rest (generally after some suffering) [Nyawe]
Ntakuseni Help me (up)
Nṱanganedzeni Accept me [Ṱanga]
Nthuseni Help (me)
Nṱoḓeni Find me, look for me [Ṱoḓi]
Ntshengedzeni Torture me [Tshenge]
Ntsieni leave me (generally of dying one)
Nṱungufhadzeni make me said, hurt me [Ṱungu]
Pfarelo - Forgiveness [Pfare]
Pfuluwani Move (away)
Phaṱhutshedzo - Blessings [Phaṱhu]
Phusu disturbance, Havoc
Rabelani Pray (verb) [Rabe]
Rendani give praise [Rendi]
Rofhiwa We are blessed
Roṋewa we are blessed (literally mean we are given)
Rotshidzwa weve (are) been saved
Rudzani said to console someone who had bad experiences, not to worry [Rudzi]
Shandukani Change (verb) [Shandu]
Takalani be Happy [Taki]
Tendani - Believe
Thabelo Prayer
Thanyani Be careful
Thendo Faith (plural)
Thinawanga I have nobody [Thina]
Tshanduko Change (noun)
Tshiananeo a tale, a story, an event (generally a bad one)
Tshidino something that bothers someone
Tshilidzi - Grace
Tshimangadzo Miracle, something that is amazing, a great surprise
Tshinyadzo Disrespect [Tshinya]
Tshinyalani (Be) damned, be damaged [Tshinya]
© J. Olivier (2009)