General Words and Phrases

Hello - Sawubona (First person singular) / Sanibona (First person plural)
How are you? - Unjani?
I am well. - Ngisaphila.
I am fine, thank you. - Ngisaphila ngiyabonga.
Goodbye - Hamba kahle (go well) / Sala kahle (stay well)
Good luck - Ngikufisela inhlanhla
Have a safe journey. - Ube nohambo oluhle.

yes - yebo
no - cha
please - ngiyakucela
thank you - ngiyabonga
help - siza
danger - ingozi
emergency - kuyaphuthuma
Excuse me - Uxolo
I am sorry. - Ngiyaxolisa.
I love you. - Ngiyakuthanda.

Questions / sentences
Do you accept (credit cards/traveler's cheques)? - Uyawamukela (amakhredithi khadi/amasheke ezivakashi)?
How much is this? - Kuyimalini lokhu?
I want ... - Ngifuna ...
What are you doing? - Wenzani?
What is the time? - Yisikhathisini manje?
Where are you going? - Uyaphi?

1 - one - kunye
2 - two - kubili
3 - three - kuthathu
4 - four - kune
5 - five - kuhlanu
6 - six - yisithupa
7 - seven - yisikhombisa
8 - eight - yisishiyagalombili
9 - nine - yisishiyagalolunye
10 - ten - yishumi
11 - eleven - yishumi nanye
12 - twelve - yishumi nambili
13 - thirteen - yishumi nantathu
14 - fourteen - yishumi nane
15 - fifteen - yishumi nesihlanu
20 - twenty - amashumi amabili
21 - twenty one - amashumi amabili nanye
22 - twenty two - amashumi amabili nambili
50 - fifty - amashumi amahlanu
100 - hundred - ikhulu
1000 - thousand - inkulungwane

Days of the week
Sunday - ISonto
Monday - UMsombuluko
Tuesday - ULwesibili
Wednesday - ULwesithathu
Thursday - ULwesine
Friday - ULwesihlanu
Saturday - UMgqibelo

Months of the year
January - UMasingana
February - UNhlolanja
March - UNdasa
April - UMbasa
May - UNhlaba
June - UNhlangulana
July - UNtilikazi
August - UNcwaba
September - UMandulo
October - UMfumfu
November - ULwezi
December - UZibandlela

Computers and Internet terms
computer - ikhompiyutha
e-mail - i-imeyili
Internet - i-intanethi
website - i-webhusayithi : isiZulu

© J. Olivier (2009)